17th March -Happy Birthday To Me — A New Beginning
Many people stumble into a hard-knock life. Most people do not bother making a realization on the life they want. My situation was also the same as I resigned to a life of mediocrity. When I started my first job, it was hectic to handle. At first, I was so excited. A few months later, I noticed this is not the life I wish to live. The routine irritated me and made me anxious. I think, I fooled myself with the notion that I have taken myself to the heights of greatness.
I also narrated the foolish statement like every other individual, “I have worked hard for years and have passed the exam”- Useless!
No, this is not enough to have a life you want to live! The majority of the people live the life they do not want to. They work to earn and pay bills. In short, they have become the slave to the so-called system. They do not have the courage to accept that they are not happy where they are.
Unfortunately, it is shameful to say that those people are living a lie.
After a certain age, too many people use to live life like a bot. They do the same things days after the day. They have the same routine. They are married and having kids. Thus, there is no space in life to think whether they are happy with their routine or not. Cultural and Societal barriers always hypnotize people. The system urges to believe that all that is happening is OK to earn money for the family and pay bills. Therefore, they spend their entire life running after the things will be of no worth in the end.
My case was a bit different. I wanted to survive in the so-called system. But, unhappiness towards the work was not going away. One day, I had to ask myself for not being satisfied and happy. I worked hard to learn MCQS (The toughest part-I always used to fail). I achieved what I wanted to. Why am I not happy?
The answer was Clear- This is not the work meant for me. This is not what I really wanted to become. That realization was the initial stage of awakening. I was trapped in the societal thoughts of getting a job in a reputable organization. Nevertheless, I was not able to live a slave life. Even I tried for years but failed. The result was I became a Depressed person!
I came into this world as a fearless being. So, I began again. Most people were against my decision. Anyhow, I am grateful to those who supported and believed in Me more than I Did! A few years ago, that day was the first day of my new journey. Today. I am actually on the path of Humanity, Love, and Greatness.
In conclusion, You must have the courage to accept when you are not happy. Any day can be the new beginning of life. You can have enough money to pay bills and support the family.
If you cannot afford to be happy - you are a poor person.
Without fear of being judged, I started all over again. I Live a Life I am Proud Of.