17th March — On My Birthday….
Every Creation is Dependent as None Creation is Self-Dependent!!!
If only a Woman is a Dependent Creation then…
Why don’t a man take medicine while feeling body pain? Why does he ask his mother to be there to have a peaceful time?
Why a cup of coffee from a wife or a daughter disappear all tiredness of work?
Men and Women — Both are Dependent Creations
It is because he is the Dependent Creation. The same is with the woman. I am not saying that I do not need assistance, or I do not want to be a dependent person. I need support, and I need guidance. Therefore, I want to be dependent on relationships and respect from society.
Almost every man, be it, Father, Brother, Son, or husband, needs care and pampering from the family and friends. A man loves a woman and marries to have happiness and hope in life. It is due to the reason that a man will have a partner who will be assisting and cooperating in every step of life. A daughter becomes the Best Friend of an Older Father.
There is no shame in accepting the Dependence upon a Daughter for care!
Stop Victimizing Women
Unfortunately, a single-gender is known as the most dependent person in the family. Keeping this into consideration, Society must welcome the baby as a human and not a burden or responsibility to fulfill what I wish to state that every creation in this world wants to have care and hope in life.
There is no shame in accepting guidance or help from family members or society
In conclusion …
Thus, every human being, regardless of gender, needs assistance, support, and friendships. I appreciate the care and pampering from the family and friends. It is what the demand and Desire of every human being regardless of gender.