Discover You to Get You …
The thought of having Everything but nothing or the feelings of having Nothing but no wish to have anything, at some point in a life, is a story of every other person.
Every human, rich or poor, somewhere in a life realizes the emptiness and depression. Everyone tries to find out the medicine to reduce the pain but none is interested in finding the reason behind the pain. Of course, a pain killer or an anti-depressant can reduce the pain but not the anxiety. One thing that is necessary for every human being who is stressed or relaxed is to discover himself or herself.
To find get yourself on the route where you are lost is difficult.
You don’t feel happy or comfortable where you are. The only way out is to change the perception. Your mind is such powerful that it can affect the thought process after a changed perception. we have developed the perception for everything for centuries. we want a risk-free life where we can a partner, kid, and a job.
We compromise on our desires and dreams as our perception is based on the perception of our “Senior-Citizens” who used to make us feel anxious and panic all time. There is no space according to their perception of life to take a risk and go after the dreams.
In earlier days, it feels good to have a balanced, boring but a risk-free life. But, as time passes, stress and dissatisfaction arise. It becomes the major reason behind illness, depression, and the loss of interest from life.
Life is not about having better schooling and then to get better grades to get a job in multinational.
Life is what you want from it!
When you do the opposite, you call it a boring or bad life-Life is not bad but your perception to live a life. You are not ready to see life through your own perception as you are afraid of results.
None is here for thousands of years! Why not to try something we want in life. Why can’t we believe in ourselves? How can one judge us when even we are not sure about ourselves!
If you are not satisfied after high grades and a job in a well-reputed company, it means you are asking for something else and you the one who is refraining yourself from taking a step. The reason is the perception. Your perception of everything Is based on the experience and the images given by other people around you.
Your life is what you feel inside you. Thus, your aim to live a life in a certain way can only be found inside you. Nowhere is your solution but inside you!
Create your own way and trust yourself to get it done.
Do what makes you comfortable and happier except the illegal acts. Do not rely or stuck on the so-called built-in ideas of the world.