Now is the Time to Consider a Trait of "Trust” in Leadership
Trust in Leadership fosters the growth and development of a Nation. With better leadership qualities, a leader should be one of the movers and shakers in the state under which people can work for the real growth of the society.
Every relationship starts with Trust. People tend to trust someone when they perceive “The Real You” is there to interact. The one thing that’s the glue of a Nation is Trust. It cements the relationship of a Nation with a Leader. Developing nations need a Trustworthy Leadership because they are more vulnerable to distinct crises.
A change, anyway, is when a Nation decides to consider a Trait of Trust in a Leader. Developing Nations must be stepping across the line of Trust; leaders can never cross. However, for the developing Nations, the best leader is empowered to teach, support, and uplift. Headman knows to utilize available resources efficiently. Most developing countries are abundant in natural resources and skilled workers.
Every year, developing countries like Pakistan hire bureaucrats. However, they have the power to make policies and work. But, due to political influence, less or no work has been done. Instead, the situation is worse. No development in the country can be seen except — Increased corruption — Poor literacy rate — No freedom of speech, and Inspirational personalities (bureaucrats).
Society is contributing in the name of self-awareness through social media. The education and living standards are getting improved even with the limited resources. People know and try the alternatives, such as low-cost manufacturing with moderate quality products, to maintain a better life. People pay taxes to support the economy. But, this is not Enough! There is a huge importance of trust in leadership to sustain directional growth.
According to FBR (provisional information), “tax collection in Pakistan is net revenue stands at Rs. 4,832 billion (July 2021 — March 2022). The collection has exceeded the target of FBR by Rs.247 billion — which is Huge!
Despite having an increase in Tax Collections, improvements in the Agricultural Sector, and growth in the literacy rate, it is a riddle wrapped in a puzzle that developing Nations are powerless to maintain the economic gap as compared to Developed Countries. The initial reason is somewhat revealed — “Corrupt Governance.”
Yes! Instead of calling it a “Poor Governance,” now the developing nations suffer from “Corrupt Governance.” Nowadays, politics worldwide is one of the hottest topics. No matter what, ineffectual governments of developing Nations like Pakistan and Srilanka have not filled the economic, social, and political gap. Instead of taking an edge off, it is increasing — nations like Srilanka and Pakistan experience instances of collapse at Economic, Political, Environmental and Social levels.
Namal Rajapaksa, the oldest son of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, was charged 45 million in money laundering. However, he denied the allegations. Does it characterize the Leadership with Ethical Values?. Their screaming is based on their money-laundering allegations instead of the nation’s development.
The current situation best narrates the Nick Fewings quotation, “Often Poor Leadership is masked with louder voices and stronger opinions”-
What Corrupt Leaders do is “Raise Loud Voices” with the help of high-paid campaigns. People attend Jalsas to get paid, eat free food and find recognition with the party. Due to financial crisis — Pressure from families to get a job or earn — Youth is directionless!
Conversely, Corrupt Leadership is busy with “Money Laundering.” However, Pakistan has a sound understanding of this matter. But unable to administer effectively. Unfortunately, the Only Option of Incompetent Family-oriented Leadership with Louder Voices has worsened the progress on an economic and social level.
No confidence in Leadership has exacerbated the situation. After social internet networking, youth is working hard on their own. They do not wait for a job now; instead, they work hard to find online jobs. There is an excellent contribution of Youth in countries such as Pakistan, India, and Srilanka.
“Yes, We Can resolve Your Issues- We Can Provide Food and Shelter”- Louder Narratives of Every So-called Political Party-
Nations with Great Leaders do not only want to fight for economic development but freedom to live with distinct cultural and religious identities. Youth is finding a way to earn, but with the idea in mind, “No Trust Over Leadership” is there with mindset — Our Governance is Poor — They cannot provide opportunities.
So, we need to work outside and get food and shelter for our family.
Imagine a person living in his own house but having no trust to get shelter and food — However, there are countless resources and land to live. But, the governance is so pathetic that the person asks outside for work. Also, the same person works and fights for the home—
The level of skepticism, anyway, is there. But, people in developing countries are looking for the development of the country. Educated Nations want respectful recognition globally, no matter what their financial or economic status is.
Trust is the Leadership’s hot-button issue that fosters the nation’s psychological, economic, and social development. A nation without Trust and Motivation cannot survive for long. However, people can work as enslaved people to provide food and shelter to families, but they are dead inside. What developing nations need is the Trustworthy influence to get the proper direction.