The Rise of Global Copycat Culture

The Hidden Costs of Mimicking an Unknown Western Persona

Nazish Marvi
12 min readJun 3, 2024

Are you among those who saw some very similar behaviour of the people and found it a little strange? You observe people mimic the style of some unknown but they all mimic the same one!

But wait, are you becoming aware with every passing day that it is okay to see such a way because some people make it cool to have a certain tone, face look, dress and even gestures.

This content piece is for you to let’s explore where the world is going-

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1.1 The Growing Trend of Copycat Behavior
    1.2 Clarifying the Intent: Appreciating Diversity
  2. The Rise of the Copycat Personality
    2.1 Observations Across Cultures
    2.2 Mimicking the Unknown Western Persona
  3. The Psychology Behind Copycatting
    3.1 Fear of Being Different
    3.2 Perception of Modernity and Coolness
  4. Cultural Implications of Copycatting
    4.1 Loss of Cultural Uniqueness
    4.2 Historical Insights on Cultural Evolution
  5. Copycatting in Business and Professional Settings
    5.1 Impact on Authenticity in the Workplace
    5.2 Creativity and Originality at Stake
    5.3 Challenges in Communication
  6. Linguistic Trends and Their Consequences
    6.1 The Rise of Hinglish and Mixed Languages
    6.2 Miscommunication in Corporate Environments
  7. Broader Implications of the Copycat Phenomenon
    7.1 Customers and Copycatting
    7.2 The Domino Effect on Creativity and Innovation
  8. The Call for Authenticity
    8.1 The Value of Genuine Personalities
    8.2 Encouraging Diversity and Uniqueness
  9. Conclusion
    9.1 Reflecting on the Need for Change
    9.2 A Request to Readers: Embrace Your Authentic Self

I felt people have turn to be replicas to one character which I don’t know about. This is particularly so with the women; they are emulating tone, style, movement, and dressing of some personalities they do not know.

Today, everyone is copying that one unknown personality to talk, move, and live in a certain way.

The Rise of the Copycat Personality

Essentially, it is a specific type of nonverbal communication to which an individual of the present-day society wants to emulate, and the rationale for that is to be fashionable. It is somewhere interesting for me to see that, but a little worrisome that it is happening now everywhere.

You may have as well observed, or you could be among the persons who emulate their character, consciously or unconsciously. I want you here to stop and see this very similarity in personalities of different regions or cultures.

No, i dont mean you being judgmental that oh, it is just modeling. You look at the body type (its not the same because of genetics but gym), facial expressions (again not same because of the genetics but learnt to copy), dressing style (not randomly chosen but copying to look stylish) and everything you can observe.

Dipika copying the Western Style, body language and expressions.

Now the image will definitely tell you the difference between the two personalities is very minor or even 0. Surprisingly, both people relate to the different cultural regions and geographies, and they do not share the same culture or the same personality, but one is genuine here and other is copying to look that way.

One is real who fits at the Western style right from the childhood. Now, other is copying. Why i am saying copying because they do not spend their normal lives this way. Indians are different in accent, and personality. But they mimic this style. They think, they will be fashionable if they emulate the West properly (Again, India is just an example, anywhere, any nation and you will have the same result).

Perhaps the best word to describe this is that they are presenting themselves in a particular specific personality to look chic or trendy in their way. Now I think you have understood about this copycat personality disorder in the people who are climbing up with copying always some unknown personality.

Psychology of Copying

The rationale for it is the fear. They believe that looking funky is the result when they practice that personality trait while the opposite is true when they are living their personalities.

The above images show a girl from China and a girl from America; you can hardly judge who is from China and who is from America. This reflects how people are ruining their own personalities and copying blindly one single style they think they would look cool.

I don’t know if you are going to call it Globalization — Why Globalization would mean to just emulate the western tone, cloth and personalities?.? It is the mindset of the people which is difficult to copy that is finding to cool to copy.

Any position or mannerism can be called as a freedom if one wants to adopt it. However, there is a furry battle that everyone loses when a person is in a process of trying to be something he or she is not.

That is why whenever you travel to places such as India or China, it is so easy to notice the diversity. They do not necessary need to emulate what the western people where they are starting to mimic the behavioral pattern. They can even have different accents and methods of speaking too. Originally, novelty has also been the main force of cultural change and innovations, as culture milestones.

The great civilization such as Egypt or the indus valley are our precedents because they are different from us in their manners not in acts of imitation.

Some Consequences of Copying and Patttering

For example, when comparing today to what was possible twenty years ago, innovations occurred quite quickly thanks to the difference in the cultural approach and the manner of view and speech. What was clear during this time was that creativity was different and differentiated. Now, it is much worse — one loses the own personality and it is impossible to regain it, again, ever.

Indeed that is very true, because when one is imitating someone else, aiming at behaving in such and such manner or emulating a certain personality then it is una inhabitable to be consistent with one’s own personality. It is very risky because real identities and genuine characters are being impaired and everyone is very keen emulating a character they know not, they discover that it is the chic character and they are beautiful.

The current trend of copying culture is destroying the diversity.

You can easily observe this phenomenon in different personalities, whether they are businessmen, actors, actresses, or any other person in the non-Western or even Western countries. Almost all are copying a particular Western tone of a particular persona. That is fascinating to know, but it’s still weird. The tone is very easy to recognise.

It is slow, careless, some high or low pitch somewhere, and materialistic sophistication at its finest. Thus, though the people who are copying can think that this makes them look modern, intelligent, and so on; this, in fact, has several potentials consequences that are rather dangerous especially for the world that is preparing to develop in every aspect, from economical, technological, environmental, and social points of view.

Being real is one of the essential things in business. Where people attempt to mimic some form of style as opposed to expressing who they really are — this then leads to emergence of no real personality. Therefore, employees who are busy copying somebody’s gesture and his way of speaking may not be absorbed in the work and provide the original insights to the table. Business organisations are fulfilling the need for having actual results within innovation and authentic human relationships.

But what if the employees are interested in sustaining a faked personality and they may even be less able to produce to the actual optimum? Because in the attempt to imitate someone else they fail to showcase their real talent and creativity of thought; it results in good, ordinary work not unhealthy; but no radical ideas of something they can achieve.

Sometimes there is also a culture that you might also have come across with, specifically, the practice of code switching in the desire to be modern can also lead to the development of confusion and ambiguity as well. While speaking and writing preferences are crucial in every organisation, there are employees who hardly master the English language but try to give an impression of mixed English and their regional language simply to look modern, educated and goal oriented which looks queer.

To put this into perspective, consider that corporate meetings are being held particularly in India, taking an example where everyone is now using Hinglish.

That’s true. This goes a little like Hindi and English mixed together. That might look quite hipster for them, but they tend to have rather ambiguous messages. Some aspects of information can be missed, and not all viewers together can easily grasp the meaning delivered in a video. However, it is not just about translating 2 languages together, but about impersonating some unidentifiable western character where the customer might feel uncomfortable when the speaking manner is the same for every other character or representative.

Oh, this is not the end here because it is not only the representative who is a victim but also the customers who are suffering from this disorder of copycat personality. Once again, they also believe that their local is modern and cool when they are mimicking that single specific western way of speaking and carrying themselves.

Borrowing in Business and Profession Atmosphere

Everyone should have a way of expressing to represent the business or the ideas of the business in his or her employees or team. But when they are lacking the true ego into the organisation or those workplaces, it is not possible that they can go ahead and perform their best. It is because they have now come up with a conscious state in their mind they are imitating a single personality or manner of portrayal of something in a certain fashion.

This is the place where they are only able to copy a personality in order to get a certain done, or to speak in a certain way. But now they do not possess that power or strength to contribute their best to any task and come up with a better performance. Once again, there is a fear to look like a loser or, maybe, something, a nerd, it is important to look like a pro, and it is only possible when they think that they’ll act like a pro.

Linguistic Trends and Their Consequences

What do you think about the manner in which people are speaking lately? Did you observe how languages are getting intertwined, especially in the non-education cultures? For instance, in India people tend to intersperse Hindi with English in everyday conversations today, this phrase is referred to as Hinglish. At first glance, it may look hip, or even revolutionary, but it’s not always rational. At other times, it detracts from rather than adding to the issue’s comprehensiveness.

Just picture the corporate setting where everyone in the room is constantly translating back and forth between two languages. Pivotal information could be missed and purposes of the communication may not be ill conveyed to all in the venue. Language is thought to simplify the process of communicating, isn’t it? But when it is about sounding trendy or ‘hip,’ it can cut the other way.

This is not rigmarole of languages only ; it has much more to do with a new phenomenon in which people are copying a specific Western way of utterance. You’ve met the type — enormously long and drawn out, punctuated by pauses meant to give the speaker the air of being well mannered. Although many people may think of it as ‘cutting edge,’ it can at times seem stilted or even, well, obnoxious, particularly to customers who prefer no-nonsense, get-to-the-point language.

The humor laid here is that these mixed boults do not give a person a more intelligent sounding or more professional touch. Indeed, they result in the disruption of continuity. Hence, rather than people trying to worry how they don’t sound archaic, would it not be of so much better if persons just speak with clarity and truthfulness?

Broader Implications of the Copycat Phenomenon

However, it will be equally important to focus on the general analysis which will be provided further. When people in all the different parts of the world begin to start mimicking the same thing whether that is speech, mannerisms, or personality it feels as if you are losing a part of yourself. And that’s not just a cultural issue; it’s a global one.

Consider the businesses as an instance. If employees are too occupied with mimicking a particular ‘western’ personality just to be fashionable or even trendy can they channel great originality all things considered? Creativity means that you have new, original thoughts, and it doesn’t materialize when you act like someone else. This is so because when an employee is compelled to conform to certain behaviors in order to fit into a certain culture, he is likely to perform sub-optimally that he or she is capable of.

And this is not only referring to workplaces. It is also associated with how with this development affects customers. This situation means that when everyone including store representatives up to influencers speak and or act in a particular manner, the result that is brought by it is somewhat monotonous. Customers themselves can’t get through because they can’t encounter live people — they encounter copies of the same character.

At the core of it all, there’s a fear: the barrier of shyness, the actual fear of what others will think — the fear of the opposite sex and being ‘different,’ of not being ‘hip.’ But here’s the thing — being yourself is the way to go because it is that which sets you apart. It is what make you distinct. While borrowing shows more comfort initially, it fails to bring about specific development — individual, as well as national.

The world has grown to appreciate the cultures, opinions, and others that are way different from us. That is why whenever everyone thinks and behaves the same way, we lose all that diversity. Therefore, it is high time we ceased to bother concerning the aesthetics of it and started to live our lives?

The Call for Authenticity

At the heart of this entire discussion lies one simple truth: The postindustrial society, as Kroker explains, is begging for authenticity. This is mostly occasioned by the fact that when we walk around, we are likely to find people struggling to live a life that is not theirs. But here’s the rub — real uniqueness which causes people to take notice is not about copying some current fad or even imitating the prominent style. It is how effectively they accept own personal self-identity.

Authenticity cannot be any culture or agenda unless it is ‘alien’ Authenticity is not the same as ‘otherness.’ It’s like confidence — it’s about not being scared of who you are, of who you are on the inside and being proud of it. It is interesting not only on the individual level but social as well because people are fundamentally social beings. In fact, they respond well to what is authentic, not what is scripted and mustered by well-oiled communication departments.

This chasing after what one might describe as the modern or ‘cool,’ leads to a tiring loop of questioning one’s worth. It cannot be the same to sustain a character, can it? But it you are yourself then you are free. Freedom to speak what you want, freedom to be creative, and freedom to be productive members of society in ways that others cannot.

So, here’s the call: let’s evolve from the fakes and move to realism. Rather than fallowing trends and copying that unfamiliar character, let’s be yourself and embrace individualism. There’s value in not being like everyone else, in the way that we speak to each other, the way we dance, or the way that we reason.

What the world doesn’t need is a thousand clones of the same person. It needs you — the raw, genuine, unadulterated honest version of who you are that exists inside of you.

Concluding Words

Thus, anyone among the readers of this content piece I will kindly appeal to, to refrain from copycatting others or mimicking other unknown characters. Now I have noticed that everyone imitates the latter personality to have a specific domain or speak in a specific manner. Their gestures even indicate that it is constantly leading them to emulation.

What they have created for themselves will not only be detrimental to their own personality for the world, but it will also be damaging to the world because now they are in the mental zone that they don’t have to use potential to do things, but simply to gaze a certain way. The world has to have different personalities and expertise, so they can work and be productive to the welfare of the planet.



Nazish Marvi
Nazish Marvi

Written by Nazish Marvi

Content/Blog/Academic Writer I AI - Editor Available for work at LinkedIn Profile

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