Today — No Innovation But Only Renovation in Businesses
With the advent of the Internet, there was so much excitement and creativity in every subject. Be it Microsoft Office, Games, Nokia, Songs, Movies and Chatting; everything got Innovation in its ways. Ms word was the new idea as compared to the notepad. Then, games such as counterstrike were the creative and innovative idea users were not aware of before.
Those Who made History
For the first time when I bought Samsung, I was not too fond of it due to the lower battery timings. My all-time favorite was Nokia for its reliability. Of course, today, Nokia is not that competitive in the market but made history. The idea of Nokia for long battery timing is still popular.
I Wonder — Why known Brands have still not been able to manufacture batteries like Nokia?
Today, qualified IT specialists are not able to innovate something creative. Unfortunately, they are just renovating the created ideas with an eye-candy image. Are workers over-confident to explain excuses?!
Innovation and Creation in the 90s
90’s People who experienced the advent of the Internet can relate. There was a Yahoo chatroom with Main chat and Messenger. Today, every Tom Dick and Harry (Applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, and Instagram) uses that idea to include Messenger in App. There is no such creativity in their ways. Again, here workers and specialists will have their excuses and explanations, “look we innovate this and that,” but the world can analyze. However, it is good to go for the betterment of already created ideas. Of course, there is Renovation in created technologies but not Innovation!
Eye-candy Apps and Stuff over the Internet can be exciting for a moment, but they can not make histories like Microsoft office, Counterstrike, or Yahoo.
Eye-Candy Stuff
Today, HR managers are searching for people with creative minds. They have a working staff to present eye-candy stuff (Apps, Logo, UI, or Content piece). There was a time when companies were busy hiring people to transform their product into a Brand. Do people care for the Brands now? They Do! But, due to the awareness over social media, people admire creative things over Branded.
History but not just Brands
Thus, how about being creative to create History of the Brand? Now is not the era for just attracting Clients. Additionally, Brands are not something for which the whole world is crazy. Behaviors are changing. So, businesses will have to look for the creation and Innovation to make history.
In summation…
Anyone can forget any Product or service related to any Brand. But, none can forget Yahoo, Nokia, Microsoft Office, and Counterstrike. Great responsibility lies on the recruiters to select creative and innovative people who can contribute to making history for the Brand and not just mere identity in the market.