Why Every One is Chasing “Popular One”
We may think popularity is straightforward. But, it is Not! It is not only a matter of how people vie for someone’s attention. Somewhat, it has become a trait that matters beyond expectations. Perhaps, a well-known person can quickly get attention in both personal and professional life. There is nothing wrong with wanting to rise, but it becomes an issue when the focus of everyone diverges merely towards popularity.
Since our birth, we don’t have built-in thoughts or beliefs. It’s our surroundings where we create our thoughts and ideas. With those ideas, we go for our perception of different situations, events, and things. First, it is crucial to clarify the notion of perception to understand how we generate our own perception for events or conditions and then how we fake ourselves to call those perceptions our beliefs to be successful.
We are born in a specific environment or surrounding where we create our ideas while hearing the opinions of besieged people. We then make our perceptions of different people and things. Later on, those perceptions become the belief to live a successful life. So, we set those perceptions as beliefs — if I wish to be somewhere or someone, then this is the route, idea, or formula to go there or to be the one.
Priory, people used to appreciate the famous and well-known people, brands, things, or events. There is no doubt they got the popularity through their skills and efficiency. Be it a teacher, doctor, actor, or athlete, every person appreciated the efforts of a well-known person. People find themselves lucky if they get an appointment with a prominent doctor, an autograph from an actor or athlete, or get tuition from a well-known teacher for their children.
Today is the era of social media. Now, popularity does not necessarily need skills and efficiency; instead, there is a need to be online on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Linked In, etc. But, there have been, and still, there are people who don’t get active on social media but have tremendous skills to work. Unfortunately, these people, even after asking for work, are not considered merely for a trial.
Due to technological advancement, every organization is working to beat the competitors and be stable in the market. In this hurry, management, under pressure, makes wrong decisions to select staff members or go for specific strategies. There is a reason. Due to the popularity of certain products, services, or a person, the management of every organization today takes decisions blindly to implement strategies. Keeping in view, the method of every organization is the same. The answer is the popularity of a specific theme or idea.
It is just like a bubble in the economy and will soon result in a bubble burst-
The investment of hard work and money should be based on long-term goals and short-term achievements.
Most of us today live in cities. Since childhood, we have heard the word success in terms of personalities. We listen to a famous athlete, an astronaut or a politician, etc. It builds our thoughts like someone famous is a successful person. So, the idea is clear now if a person is popular, then one is successful.
The word popularity has created so much curiosity in people. Everyone is searching for the act or a job through which they can get popularity to be successful. Not the skills, but the popularity is core to be successful now.
To counter-check this hypothesis of popularity, you can check any platform. For a filmmaker, the popular person is the best to caste. A famous doctor is better than anyone else. A popular salon best fits to all the women and men, a quick click on a popular channel of YouTube, search of a popular writer on a medium with several reads, a famous brand to buy rather than try something else, and even a popular girl or boy in the surrounding or elsewhere to select as a life partner.
In earlier times, it was good to be popular but not mandatory to get desired work. The choice of the hirer/employer/casting director was based on the work they wished to be getting done. Accordingly, those hirers used to search for the right talent or person. This is the reason why every field went through creativity. At that time, organizations were not busy copying other’s strategies to merely capture the market for a short period. But, brands were based on unique ideas and creativity rather than copying the popular theme.
However, Nokia was a famous brand till the year 2000, and it went on the launch of Windows Mobile. On the other side, Apple was nothing with a 1 % share in the market. Apple did not copy the popular. Apple decided to launch an Android phone. Remember, the windows option was popular due to the computer and laptop. Apple could think of the popularity of Nokia and copy the idea. But, the new notion of Apple created the New History.
Unfortunately, none of the organizations dares to go for the unpopular theme, idea, or people. They want popular ideas and staff members with a popular profile.
In the race of popularity, everyone strives to be a popular person.
What should I do to be a favoured person? This is the thought comes into everyone’s mind since childhood. Now, we dream of being a well-known doctor and not a better doctor. We fake our minds with the ideas such as, of course, if I am a renowned doctor, then I am the better one. A doctor successfully gets more patients no matter whether they are popular with a successful treatment rate. Thus, popularity becomes a success for the person.
The majority of famous people enjoy their popularity or fame rather than improving their skills. Today, the reality is, no doubt, a popular one is the perfect one, and nobody dares to ask or suggest anything to them. The person is doing right or wrong, but they are popular, so we also try to dream the same. We want to be like that one person to get popularity through different acts or platforms.
Due to the increasing mindset of popularity among the people/hirers, it has become difficult to search for better work. It seems like a person who is not popular has committed a crime. People have started marketing their skills along with products. Now, it is not the efficiency but the colourful marketing that impacts the minds of the hirers/people. People choose the popular.
Those who are skillful and deliver the best are of no worth. When people ask for the work, they get popularity through a platform to attract people. What matters for the hirers or people now is the well-known image of a person.
Let’s have a look at the performance now-
If every person is hiring the best, then why do their businesses face losses? Governments cannot stabilize the economies, salons fail to make people look younger for a lifetime, people scroll down for a time pass. Still, they do not read your content on the website, having a popular life partner, but the ratio of divorce is increasing, and why the world is facing health issues even after having the best teams?
The answer is obvious; the mindset of popular is getting the popularity to select someone.
We have forgotten the base of anything is authenticity, humanity, truthfulness, skills, and charity. There have been people who worked for free to serve humanity. But, those are not the popular ones. These people have been serving till today mankind, animals, and family members. Very few can match with their authenticity and sacrifice for the work they do. But, whenever those trustworthy people come into the market and ask for work, they get rejected. The worst part is, even no one is there to listen to them.
There is a rejection without consideration.
For a choice of a teacher, everyone wants a popular teacher for the children. No matter the teacher can afford the reasonable time to teach or not. The teacher gets the money and becomes more popular. Parents are happy with their choice of a well-known person as a tutor. How about the teacher who has more skills and time to teach your children? Today, no one is even ready to give a single chance to an unpopular person in any field.
There is a need to take a break and analyze!
Is there a need to analyze the skills before selecting and hiring something or someone?
Is social media account or a website account is enough to judge someone’s ability to deliver?
Should organizations stop copying the popular and go for the uniqueness?