Women Mistakenly Use Beauty To Hold a Desired Men for the Entire Life
Looking Beautiful and Attractive is the first priority of every woman. After the advent of Social Media, Especially the Internet, it has become easier for women to find out solutions for their beauty flaws. There are countless solutions in the name of beauty products and salons/parlour.
The women who got rejected by their desired men are now confident enough to be liked.
In this concern, women tend to rush to Beauty parlours. From Tiktok to Instagram, every other woman is busy in posting videos and pictures to get liked by the desired men. In this hurry, women have been losing the plot of mental maturity. The wish to look beautiful has raised their confidence in having numerous options.
Women are mistakenly thinking that their demand is higher due to their appearance.
Unfortunately, women are taking their loyal relationships for granted. Again, the reason is some “Beauty”. Beautiful appearance has made most of the women arrogant and proud. Of course, in this era where selfies play a major role in getting likes and followers, a beautiful lady will feel proud of herself. It seems as if a woman who looks beautiful is dominating.
In this race of looking more beautiful, women have lost the track towards Mental Maturity.
The major aim of every woman now is to look young, beautiful and smart. Basically, they do this for the men! Without any doubt, men get attracted towards a fit and beautiful woman.
Unfortunately, the reality shows that the attraction is merely based on passing the Extra Time with a beautiful woman.
Thus, the attraction is timely.
At the end of the day, a man falls in love with a woman who is mature in her psychology, who knows to care and listen. A man wishes to have a quality time with the Partner who is Caring and sensible!
Who would wish to be with the one who is arrogant due to the reason that one believes that he or she looks beautiful?
To satisfy the soul, one needs a partner who creates a place in the heart and not just eyes. Because there have been so many eye-candy things around for decades. What satisfies and gives peace is the purity in a relationship based on feelings and not appearance.
A man needs a woman who is the other nameof peace and love when he arrives home. A woman who listens without judging and understands while having a healthy argument.
So, Women must look at the other side of the personality as well.
Of course, looks matter, but mental approach towards a relationship is equally important. One can live with a simple-looking person who is caring and loving but not with the one who is beautiful but arrogant.
There should be balance in the personality to give importance to the relationships.
Men cannot get attracted for long merely based on beauty. Love and care is the base to get the desired men throughout life.